The hubs went to bed early last night and while I was watching
Cougar Town, I suddenly had an idea. An idea my wallet would be happy about, the rest of me not so much. I know the basis of this blog has been me shopping and sharring all my fab finds with all of you, but I went a little crazy in the last few months because lets face it....I'm an emotional shopper. For reasons that I don't like to discuss on this light and airy blog, I get sad and I feel better when I shop. But anyway, last night it occurred to me that I should give myself a challenge....No shopping for 3 months. Some of you are laughing right now and think I can't do it, but I really believe I have to try at least. The one exception is that I need a dress for all the weddings coming up, but that's it! I will need your help. You guys have to help talk me off the ledge when I get close to failing this challenge. It will probably happen a few times at least. I seriously do not need anything for Summer. I am very thankful for all that I have and fortunate enough to even be able to shop. I really need to take a break and find other ways to entertain myself lol.
Don't worry
On the Catwalk posts will continue, Summer is a very busy season! I will also start taking a look back through my closet and showing you all some of my favorite outfits.
So this is it, no shopping until August 6th. You think I can do it?